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Several people called the Prayer Call Center before the International Faith Conference (IFC) about finances to attend the conference, and God supplied finances for them to attend. (1) One person phoned for prayer to attend the IFC, and a friend bought him a round-trip ticket from California. While attending the conference, he prayed with a person who later felt led to sow $120 into his life. The blessings continued throughout the whole week. (2) A pastor phoned the Prayer Call Center because his church lease was expiring in two weeks and they had nowhere to go. Within a week, the Lord led him to a building three times the size of his current location, located in a major part of the city. During IFC, he shared that his church had secured the building and the lease was half the cost of the previous building. He thanks God for the Prayer Call Center.

Marcia called because someone else was rewarded a $50,000 settlement after the death of her father. After we prayed the decision was reversed and favored Marcia, who has now received the $50,000 settlement.

We prayed with Tamika to purchase a home. She was blessed with a beautiful 2-flat building.

Stephanie wanted agreement that her son gets a car. After prayer, the same day Stephanie’s son purchased a new car with no money down.

I recently attended the Faith Refresher on February 19th and 20th, 2015. I traveled all the way from Columbia, MO to get to the meeting. People discouraged me not to go to Chicago, but I was determined and I believed God would protect me and He did. Then Columbia had an ice storm on February 20th. I asked one of your prayer leaders to pray with me regarding a safe trip home. The weather on the drive home was 40 degrees. No cold weather, rain, snow, sleet, just dry roads all the way home. Praise the Lord. Darlayna S.

God bless you, Pastor Winston, for your time and dedication to teach us how to live by faith and mature from one level to another in our faith walk. I give praise to God for allowing me to receive the $1,000 to donate to paying off the church mortgage. I began confessing and thanking God for the means to do so as soon as you instructed us to believe we have the ability to do so. Although I didn’t have the money by the time of the International Faith Conference, I received an unexpected check from my mortgage company about a week later. I was so shocked I called to verify that the check wasn’t sent to me in error. I not only had the $1,000 seed, but I had a little more than double the amount. This allowed me to pay off some bills. I am believing for a continual flow of unexpected finances as I grow in my understanding of sowing and reaping. La Verne G.

During a Sunday service in September, the Lord began to deal with me about breaking through to a new level of giving and to sow $2,500 towards the building fund, in addition to the $1,000 we sowed last year. It took me awhile, but I eventually shared it with my wife. We prayed and came into agreement. We sowed the seed and in less than 9 hours, I called a creditor to check on a balance and found that our $13,188.99 debt was cancelled as “charity.” God is faithful! Rodney & Nikeya Y.

I have been listening to Pastor Bill Winston’s teachings on the Kingdom of God since January 2014. I started sowing seeds into his ministry as well as several other ministries as I was led by the Holy Spirit. In May 2014, I was blessed to get a government job within the State of California. A couple of months later, I received a raise. Four months later, I received a promotion making three times as much money! I declared, decreed and claimed by faith these positions as well as sowed seeds. K

Your ministry has blessed me so much. I asked God for a job with specific attributes like Veronica Winston did and God met me exactly with a job that had all of the attributes I requested and better. The job helped with some unexpected expenses just in time. Thank you so much! EC

I told God that I wanted to increase my monetary giving to the kingdom and increase my personal library of kingdom teachings. I rearranged my budget to allow more seed to be sown, and in four months my income increased by 25%. Now my sowing and my library of kingdom teachings are growing faster than ever before. TT

I called and prayed with a prayer partner regarding the money I needed to pay my rent. I received an unexpected check that same week. It covered my rent and I had money left over for other necessities. Thanks for your effective, fervent prayers. KA

I called requesting prayer for my son and daughter to go to college… free of charge! Those requests were granted because the child support money was released and we are getting back payments in the amount of $50,000. I appreciate the faithful prayer partners. JW

I called the prayer line several times. The prayer partners are so patient and kind. They prayed with me and shared the Word of God. I’ve finally gotten the revelation of standing on the Word for myself. God will fight my battles! Thank you. KB

Thanks for all your prayers. A prayer partner prayed with me concerning my rent. It was behind because I’ve recently been out of work. After the prayer of agreement the Lord blessed me with money to pay my rent and my mother’s rent. Then the Lord blessed me with a 1-year lease even though I don’t currently have any income. God is so good! There’s more. The Lord blessed me with another lump sum of money and with that money I was able to get my car back that had been repossessed. Now I can get back out there and look for employment. JT

Everything is going to be alright. I know that now. I called the prayer line, they prayed with me, and I received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. I’m so thankful for my new prayer language. I feel better physically and mentally. My feet are healed too. I received peace of mind and hope. I feel good. Thanks for being there for me. DM

The God of the Breakthrough has opened the windows of heaven over my life and poured out blessings. I called the prayer line for prayer due to an upcoming court case. I was about to be evicted and they were about to come and repossess my car. After praying, none of these things came to be. Thank God for mercy, grace and for the prayer partners. KC

After years of struggle I got a wonderful business deal and now my business is bringing in great profit. All this happened after praying with the prayer partners. Thanks for being there in a great time of need for me. JM

My doctor said he wanted me to take some tests. It was possible that I had breast cancer. I called the prayer line and then I went back to the doctor. Tests came back and all reports are clear and every symptom has disappeared. God is good to me! Thanks for your prayers. JJ

I woke up this morning having chronic pain in my chest on the left side. I called the prayer line and one of the prayer partners prayed with me. Later that day I went to see my doctor to find that it was only a pulled muscle. Thank you for rebuking the spirit of fear that tried to come upon me. MT

There were violent and overwhelming attacks coming against me. I would not have been able to stand without the prayers of faith and support from the prayer partners at LWCC. Thanks for the life-saving prayers. DC

I was standing on God’s word believing for the purchase of this new lakefront property. Things were looking good, but it was taking longer than I thought it should. I called the prayer line and one of the partners prayed the Prayer of Agreement and believed with me. The new property manifested immediately after the phone call. Thanks!!! JD

I didn’t get the person’s name, but someone in the Prayer Ministry prayed with me about a week ago in reference to a situation on my job. I just had to call back to say that the situation was totally resolved in my favor without any negative report on my record. I wanted to express my sincere gratitude for the prayer that was offered because I know that’s what turned the situation around for me. To God be the glory for the things He has done. AG

I just had to call back to say that I got my house! I called a few weeks ago requesting prayer and agreement concerning my house. Praise God! I got 100% financing and the closing costs was only $60. Thanks for your word-based prayers. E

I needed prayer so I thought to call the LWCC Prayer Line. The prayer partner was so gracious and patient. She prayed with me concerning my new home and the financing. Praise the Lord! I received 100% financing and I’ll be closing in a few weeks. Thanks for the prayers. EG

I talked to a prayer partner who prayed so fervently for me. Two hours later I received $975.00 and a letter saying that my son had been accepted to the college of his choice. The $975.00 was the exact amount I needed to pay my car note. We are so blessed by this ministry, but that’s not all… a friend of mine stopped by the house while we were rejoicing and he wanted to get filled with the Holy Spirit. He got filled right there. Those prayers were right on time. KC

I called the prayer line one day after the diagnosis the doctors gave on my mother. They said she had blood clots in one of her lungs. I had other saints praying too, but there was no change until after I called the prayer line. Thank God for the anointed sister who prayed the prayer of faith. My mother has been released from the hospital and today she was able to walk twice around the block and she no longer needs the medication. Praise God! He performed a creative miracle on my mother. She has a new heart! JH

One of the prayer partners prayed for me and when she did, something broke in me. The prayer was on target and it absolutely helped to set me free. It just broke the cycle of depression over me. I feel free and for the first time in months I’m waking up with expectation and enthusiasm. GD

I called the prayer line today, not because I needed prayer but because I wanted to share my testimony. I have been listening to Pastor Winston’s Billionaire tape and confessing the prayer of Jabez for about 3 weeks now and suddenly I’ve been offered a free trip to Ohio, free clothing, perfume, detergent… it’s like the windows of heaven have opened over my life. I’m so thankful for LWCC and Bill Winston Ministries. AE

"And I will do [I Myself will grant] whatever you ask in My Name [as]presenting all that I Am], so that the Father may be glorified and extolled in (through) the Son." - John 14:13 (Amplified Bible-AMP)